Livingstone and Victoria Falls, Zambia

Royal Chundu

Secluded Elegant Retreat further up the River from the Falls

Set on a quiet secluded spot some distance up the Zambezi river. Royal Chundu is a place to come and relax by the river. There are two lodges, the River Lodge of ten suites and the Island Lodge of four large villas. Located on a very quiet stretch of the Zambezi this lodge is extremely luxurious with an excellent spa facility and fine-dining in camp.

Activities here are a mix of river-based relaxation and adventure as well as visits to the Falls.


Trips to the falls

Kayaking on the river

Speedboat trips


10 suites (River Lodge)

4 island villas (Island Lodge)


Dining area and lounge

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Whatever you want from your adventure in Zambia, our team of expert travel designers are ready to help.

Places to combine Royal Chundu with

Andersson’s at Ongava


Andersson’s at Ongava
Anderssons at Ongava offers an unforgettable Namibian safari experience imbued with Afro-Mediterranean elegance. This extraordinary lodge invites you to explore nature with unparalleled comfort and style. From the moment sunlight filters through the mopane bush, awakening the landscape, Anderssons promises a seamless blend of relaxation and adventure. The lodge’s nine suites serve as a harmonious extension of the surrounding environment.
Ariel view of waves breaking on a forested shoreline