

Elevated Hotel in Potosi

Potosí is one of the highest cities in the world standing at 4,090 metres above sea level and Hostal Coloso remains one of the city’s best hotels with 38 rooms which are warm, well-equipped and boast simple western style and comfort.

With the use of a pool and sauna, there’s a good restaurant and a bizarre mining-themed bar.

Potosí holds particular historical and economical importance in Bolivia’s past, with its large silver-ore deposits once home to the Spanish Colonial Mint and now the National Mint of Bolivia.



Room Service

Cable TV


Business Centre

Pool § Sauna


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Places to combine Coloso with

Hidden Valley

Mountain Pine Ridge

Hidden Valley
Located within the tranquil expanse of Belize’s Mountain Pine Ridge, Hidden Valley Wilderness Lodge was originally a logging home. Spanning 7,200 acres of lush forest and rolling hills, this reserve has become a tranquil retreat for nature lovers and adventurers alike. The Garden Cottages offer a perfect escape, crafted with locally sourced mahogany furniture, luxury linens and spa-inspired amenities, including handmade soaps. Each suite features a cozy
Ariel view of waves breaking on a forested shoreline