Valparaiso, Chile

Casa Higueras

Perfect Views with a Modern Style

An excellent boutique hotel, Casa Higueras is located in the upmarket Cerro Alegre area with great views out across the harbour and Plaza Sottomayor.

The hotel’s a little larger than other hotels of a similar style in the area with twenty rooms and therefore has a more developed infrastructure with larger and more extensive communal areas and facilities. Guests can enjoy a great restaurant, outdoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi as well as the large terraces and garden.

A 1920s building, the hotel was completely refurbished in 2006 in an elegant style mixing the contemporary with the historical aspect of the building.


Twenty rooms


Terraced Garden


Outdoor Pool



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Whatever you want from your adventure in Chile, our team of expert travel designers are ready to help.

Places to combine Casa Higueras with

Hidden Valley

Mountain Pine Ridge

Hidden Valley
Located within the tranquil expanse of Belize’s Mountain Pine Ridge, Hidden Valley Wilderness Lodge was originally a logging home. Spanning 7,200 acres of lush forest and rolling hills, this reserve has become a tranquil retreat for nature lovers and adventurers alike. The Garden Cottages offer a perfect escape, crafted with locally sourced mahogany furniture, luxury linens and spa-inspired amenities, including handmade soaps. Each suite features a cozy
Ariel view of waves breaking on a forested shoreline