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When is the Best Time to Visit Panama?

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Published on: August 21st, 2024

The best time to visit Panama is during the dry season, which is particularly pronounced on the Pacific coast, and runs from late December to April. Temperatures are hot, around 32°C (89.6°F) and there’s plenty of sunshine. These are the perfect conditions for outdoor activities such as visiting the Panama Canal, in Panama City, hiking in the mountains or lounging on pristine beaches.

Panama’s climate is characterised by tropical conditions all year round; warm temperatures with rain showers. There’s a fairly pronounced distinction between the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, with the Caribbean coast seeing more rainfall overall, with afternoon showers common throughout the year.

What is the rainy season in Panama?


The Panama rainy season is a long wet spell of weather that typically runs from May to December. Synonymous with the tropical climate the rainfall tends to come in the afternoon, leaving the morning fairly clear and sunny. The rainy season can often last longer on the Caribbean side of the country, where rain showers fall throughout the year. 

The rainy season can be a great time to skip the crowds and witness the unbelievably beautiful green, lush landscapes. These wetter months are also the best time to go surfing on the Pacific coast, a popular stop for experienced surfers seeking out the consistent swell and bigger waves.

Panama Month-by-Month Climate Guide


Panama’s tropical climate means the temperatures remain constant and uniform throughout the year at around 30°C (86°F). However, the different coasts (Caribbean and Pacific), plus other geographical factors can alter the climatic conditions. 

For example, Panama City will always feel hotter than the beaches and mountains, easily exceeding the average high of 33°C (91.4°F) in April, which is considered to be the hottest month, and the Caribbean coast will see more rainfall than the Pacific side. 

To help you plan what is the best month to visit Panama for your trip, we’ve collated a month by month climate guide. We’ll explain the annual climate conditions and Pananas seasons, so that you know what to expect across the different regions.


January in Panama

January is a beautiful month to visit Panama. The weather is clear, dry and sunny across the country with temperatures reaching 32°C (89°F). The waters that lap on sandy beaches are clear and calm in January, a great time for snorkelling. The beaches are buzzing with visitors and residents, so be sure to book well in advance if you’d like to travel in January.


February in Panama

February in Panama is another great month to travel. Falling within the Panama dry season, you can expect plenty of sunshine and very little rainfall. February is also another popular month to travel so some of the main attractions and beaches can get busy. That being said, our expert travel designers have a handful of excellent exclusive lodges and experiences to share.

February is a great month to visit Panama for festivities. Carnival is a religious festival celebrated in February with dancing, music and feasts of traditional foods across the country. 


March in Panama

Often known as one of Panama’s hottest months, along with April, March is another good month to visit Panama for sunshine and dry conditions. The Pacific coast is calm and clear, so it’s a good time to visit the archipelago of Islas Secas, an island paradise that features on Jacada’s list of the top private island resorts in the world.

April in Panama

April is Panama’s transitional month from wet to dry season, and where you’ll notice a significant distinction between the Caribbean and Pacific coast. At the start of April on the Riviera Pacifica the weather will still be mostly dry with short afternoon rain showers beginning towards the end of the month. On the Caribbean coast expect heavier showers to begin earlier in the month.

May to August in Panama

May to August make up the first part of Panama’s rainy season and there will be cloud cover for most of the afternoon. That being said, the mornings are usually clear with sunny spells. Temperatures remain warm at around 28°C (82.4°F) and humidity is high. In the mountains, around Boquete, the humidity drops a little and there’s a welcome cool breeze.

These conditions, along with fewer crowds, can make this early rainy season a good time to visit for exclusive, peaceful activities with plenty of sunny spells.

September to November

September through to November will see the wet weather peak across Panama, with the Caribbean coast and highlands experiencing the most rainfall. Windy conditions are also likely during these months with the region of Chiriqui, on the Pacific coast, most affected by storms.

It’s worth noting that Panama does not typically experience hurricanes. And again, so long as you’re prepared for rain, these months can be considered for travel as temperatures are warm and the mornings are usually clear.

December in Panama

December in Panama is a great month to visit in terms of weather. The dry season begins, humidity drops and temperatures remain warm at around 30°C (86°F). It’s very rare for the Pacific coast to see any rainfall in December, while the Caribbean coast will most likely experience showers in the afternoons.

The holiday season in Panama is busy, so it’s important to book in advance to secure the best properties. Our favourites are usually small and exclusive, so the rooms can sell out quickly.

The Best Things to Do in Panama by Season


The best time to visit Panama will depend on what you want to do and where you want to go. Many activities in Panama can be enjoyed all year, however certain months are better for activities on the Pacific coast or Caribbean coast, while others are ideal for snorkelling, surfing or sightseeing. With that in mind, here are some of the best things to do in Panama – and where and when to do them.

A view of Panama Canal
December to April

Tour the Panama Canal in Panama City

If you’re visiting Panama, a stop in the capital is a must. The city has lots to offer; the beautiful cobbled streets of Casco Viejo, the busy fish market, Panama beach, foodie tours and of course the Panama Canal. The best time to tour Panama City and visit the canal is during the dry season, December to April, when the humidity is lower and you're less likely to get caught in a rain shower while visiting the famous landmarks.

whitewater rafting in Panama
May to December

Go white water rafting in the highlands

Panama has some of the best rapids in central America through some of the most beautifully scenic landscapes. Rafting in the highlands, usually from the town of Boquete, is a year round activity. To witness the true strength and scope of the waters go white rafting during the rainy season, from May to December, but be warned some of these rapids reach class V and are only for experienced rafters.

surfing in Panama
April to October

Watch surfers on the Pacific Coast

Surfing is a big deal in Panama. Largely un-surfed compared to nearby Nicaragua and Costa Rica and with two distinct coastlines, consistent swell, countless reef breaks and the famed Bocas del Toro. We recommend visiting the Pacific Coast during the rainy season, from April to October where you’ll find waves suitable for all skill levels.

hanging bridges in Boquete
December to April

Go hiking around in the highlands

The highlands of Panama are strikingly beautiful and are a wonderful place for those interested in trek travel. Head out during the dry season when the paths are dry and it’s easy to navigate the dense cloud forests. Hike over the hanging bridges to experience the canopy from above, combine with a private birdwatching tour and stop off for refreshments during your hike at a coffee farm.

Whatever you want from your trip to Panama, our team of expert travel designers are here to help.

Ariel view of waves breaking on a forested shoreline